26 September 2024 - September News

National Finals 2024

September 14th 2024 will go down in the proud history of Lydbrook Band, having gained the runners up position in the First Section National Championships of Great Britain.  Competing in a field of 19 bands from all over the country, we were pipped at the post by Northop Band from North Wales - many congratulations to them.

Directed by our resident Conductor Gareth Ritter, we rehearsed very hard over the summer months to get the test piece “Excalibur” by Jan van der Roost up to a good contest standard.  On the day we probably produced the best performance of the piece that we could, and we all came off the stage very happy.  We were hampered by a number 3 early draw but accepted it as a challenge by the time we moved onto the stage.  We are used to early draws having had a number 3 at the area contest earlier in the year.  As the day went on and on, I think many of us were pleased that we didn’t have a late draw playing at 10pm - the results were finally announced at 11.10pm.

Coming home, we felt slightly disappointed that we hadn’t done enough to win, but the adjudicators, Dr. Robert Childs, Alan Morrison and Roger Argente, gave the decision to Northop in what we understand was a very close contest.  On reflection though, being the top English Band, we can justly call ourselves First Section Champions of England.

We have a couple more contests before the end of the year, Wychavon Festival of Brass on 2nd November and the GBBA Contest in Gloucester on 24th November, so we’ll be working hard to get amongst the prizes at both these contests before looking forward to next year’s area contest in March.

AGM 25th September 2024

The band held a very upbeat AGM on 24th September, where our President, Peter Hands, led the way in congratulating the band on its recent National Finals success.  Robert Morgan presented his 45th consecutive report as band secretary and Martin Wakely gave a very positive financial statement.  The band’s conductor, Gareth Ritter and chairperson Emily Dodsworth, both gave uplifting reports about the band’s success over the past couple of years.  From Gareth we heard about consistency of playing and camaraderie within the band and from Emily, her joy at spending time with fellow members and enjoying our hobby with a smile on our faces.

Thanks were given to all those who work so hard for the band - Paul Ainsworth, Bb bass player and Vice Chair, Treasurer Martin Wakely, Barbara Morgan the band’s librarian and PA to Robert’ the band’s secretary!  Thanks also to Mark Lythaby for his work on the band website and general work for the band, and International Composer-in-Residence, Liz Lane.  Thanks were also shown to our sponsor, Renouf Wealth Management Ltd. and CEO Ian Renouf Watkins, for their continued support.

All the officers and committee members were re-elected with the addition of Julia Lythaby.  Wendy Jury was confirmed as the band’s Safeguarding Officer and Rachel Danks as Safeguarding Officer for the Training Band.

The Training Band goes from strength to strength and although young people move on to university etc., there are always new ones coming through.  And it’s not just young players, but older players are welcome to the training band as well.  With this in mind, the meeting was informed of a new starter band class for people of all ages.  This will start on November 4th in the bandroom under the tutelage of Tracey Gwynne.  Instruments, music and tuition will be provided for a subscription of just £1 per lesson. Tracey can be contacted on 07737 131273 or

Now in its 101st year, Lydbrook Band is on the “crest of a wave” - well done the band, “Onwards and Upwards”.

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© Lydbrook Band 2024