Fundraising for Lydbrook Band

Easy fundraising with your online shopping

Online shopping definitely seems like the way forward these days so why not raise money for Lydbrook Band while surfing the net?! Whenever you buy something online, the retailer makes a donation to Lydbrook Band. They've helped other causes raise over £2,000,000 so it really does work!

All you have to do is register at
then continue to shop as normal.

It won't cost you a penny extra to shop through easyfundraising and you can even save money with special offers and voucher codes.  If you add their 'Find and Remind' bar you will never miss an opportunity to raise money for the band.


Please see below, some ideas the fund raising committee have organised. We welcome your participation and comments and thank you for your support. 

Proms in the Park
Held at The Speech House, a great event for all the family featuring varied musical entertainment.

Pudding and Quiz Evenings
Always attracts those with a sweet tooth! We hold these annually so keep an eye on our events!

Safari Supper
These are was well supported and enjoyed by all. Look out for the next one!

Charity Bag Collection
Tracey Gwynne organised two collections this year: in June and December. More collections to follow so please hang on to all your old clothes, shoes, bags, curtains etc. They will accept most things except brick a brack. The band receives money on the weight of the donations.

Bag Packing and small group playing at local supermarkets.
Volunteers were welcomed as we packed shopping at Morrison's in Ross. The band also played at various supermarkets throughout the year which is always well received by shoppers!


If you have any other ideas that could help please contact us.


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Lydbrook Band is a Registered Charity - 1196382

© Lydbrook Band 2025